
A. Kukania

In the Begining of the New Science
(R. Descartes)

Descartes together with Fr. Bacon is justly regarded as creator of the new science. On the base of rationalism he creates antischolastic doctrine on natural and mechanics. His theory is completely based on knowledge which had been released of syllogism of the Middle Ages. Descartes undertook to show how all models of knowledge are immanent in cogito even as knowledge itself is a process.

The specific merit of Descartes before scientific thought consists in creating of the system of nature passed on the principles of rationalism. His new method of philosophical and scientific researches is founded on the firm base which was expressed by formula “cogito ergo sum”. New science and philosophy with new understanding of nature mean new mathematics, analytical geometry, new astronomy and algebra. This was a foundation, an edifice on which Descartes with more or less success founded new philosophy and new science.

By founding new knowledge Descartes shifts a centre of heaviness from ontology to gnoseology. Descartes many observations about the philosophical thought are deserving of attention.


Agrarian University