
N. Mrevlishvili

Basic Terms for Time Category Expression in Gelatic Translations of Ecleciastus Elucidation

Gelatic translations of Ecleciastus elucidation among otntologic terms are distinguished with especial abundunce of a time category expression terms.

In old Georgian monuments ჟამი is mentioned as a basic lexema of the time semantic field, which meaning area is broad and includes functions of this category various units (hour, second, minute, day, year...) expression. ჟამ lexema may be observed according either in qronoc or kairoc. In its turn according to kairoc form there may be observed both time and minute. The time lexema is observed extremely rarely in old Georgian monuments as a noun function and in a general meaning that it has in modern Georgian language. In gelatic terms of Ecleciastus elucidation basis of the time lexema is founded out two times only, once – in a root of a time adverb – უ-დრო-ებ-ელ-ად – untimely, right away meaning, the other time – in a root of an adjective დრო-ებ-ით-სა - delayed meaning. In both of the cases this form conforms to the Greek leqsikonSi (ewc, h–upertijhmi - delay, late).

Instead of the time lexema of its modern meaning there was used ჟამი sometimes and basically there was used century, conforming to Greek aiwn, aiwnia (eternity). Parralel form of a century lexema is მიმდემი, which is observed in Ecleciastus elucidation and has permanent, indefatigable action meaning.


Iv. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University