
George Bochorishvili - 50

Professor George Bocharishvili is 50 years old.

George Bochorishvili was born on August 1, 1952 in Tbilisi, Georgia. He graduated from Tbilisi State Medical Institute in 1975. In 1975-77 he took his residence in Urology. In 1977-80 he was accepted into the Fellowship program in the Department of Urology of the 2nd Moscow State Medical Institute. In September 1980 he defended Master's Degree in the Certifying Council at the same Institute and was awarded the Degree of the Candidate of Medical Sciences.

Since 1981 he worked in the Scientific Research Institute of Urology (now the National Urology Centre) in Tbilisi as a leading researcher and urologist. Since 1999 he is a Director of the Centre and is responsible for the scientific research, education and training. In 1990 he defended his Doctoral Dissertation in the Certifying Council at Tbilisi State Medical Institute and was awarded the Degree of the Doctor of Medicine. Since 1993 he is Professor of Medicine. He is the author of more then 67 scientific papers and 2 monographs in the different fields of surgery and urology. In 2001-2002 he translated and issued the Guidelines of European Association of Urology (EAU). He participated and presented papers to the International Urological Congresses and Forums in Russia, Poland, Yugoslavia, Germany, Switzerland, France, Canada. In 1993-94 he was send on mission to the USA and visited the Urological Divisions in the different Universities and Hospitals (UVMC in Burlington, UPMC in Pittsburgh, Urology Institute of Pittsburgh in Monroeville, Case Western Clinic in Cleveland, St.Luke’s Hospital in St. Louis, etc. ) were he attended surgical procedures and mastered in laparoscopic urology, ESWL, laser ablation of BPH and the bladder tumors treatment. In 1996 he attended special course in Interstitial Laser Coagulation with Indigo Diode Laser organized by Prof. Rolf Muschter in Klinikum Grosshadern, Munich, Germany. After active participation in the 24th Congress of the Societe Internationale D'Urologie (SIU) in Montreal in 1997 he was invited as Visiting Professor to urological departments of McGill and Toronto Universities. Currently he is a Full Member of the European Association of Urology (EAU) and New York Academy of Sciences, Active Member of Societe Internationale D’Urologie (SIU), and Secretary of the Georgian Urological Association. In December 2001 he visited Sheffield Royal Hallamshire Hospital and mastered in Holmium Laser treatment. He is skilled urologic surgeon.

The editorial board of the journal "Caucasian Messenger" congratulates the person with this significant date and wishes success in scientific-pedagogical and practical activities for the welfare of the Georgian medicine.

