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Database:CDROM - Electronic Catalogue of CD-ROM Display Format 

By Universal Decimal Classification (UDC)

Basic Subjects
Social sciences. Statistics. Politics. Economics. Trade.Law. Government. Military affairs. Welfare. Insurance.Education. Folklore.  --  3*
Safeguarding the mental and material necessities of life. Incl. Social work. Social aid. Housing. Insurance.  --  36*
Social benefits. Social allowances. Social insurance.Social assistance.  --  369*
Records Found 3 records.
  1. Monee info [electronic resource] : (TransMONEE database in Devinfo format) / Unicef. - 2007. - 1 compact disc (CD-ROM) ; 12 cm.[MFN: 3143]

    UDC: 369.7(086.82)


    - ბავშვთა დაცვა;

    C 2.793 - Electronic Resources Service Division


  1. Toolkit material for hispanic outreach, partnership development and training [electronic resource] / The Office of child support enforcement ; Hispanic child support resources center. - [S.l.], 2008. - 1 compact disc (CD-ROM) ; 12 cm.[MFN: 3200]

    UDC: 369.7(086.82)

    The Office of child support enforcementHispanic child support resources center

    - ბავშვთა დაცვა;

    C 2.847 - Electronic Resources Service Division


  1. Strack, Diane

    New start for single moms [electronic resource] : dynamic in influence...practical in design / Diane Strack. - Nashville : Thomas Nelson, 2007. - 5 DVDs, 1 compact discs (CD-ROM) ; 12 cm.. - Minimum System Requirement: Windows: Win98, Pentium II, 64MB RAM[MFN: 3762]

    UDC: 369.742(086.82)

    - მარტოხელა დედების დახმარება;

    C 3.272 - Electronic Resources Service Division