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Database:CDROM - Electronic Catalogue of CD-ROM Display Format 

By Universal Decimal Classification (UDC)

Basic Subjects
Social sciences. Statistics. Politics. Economics. Trade.Law. Government. Military affairs. Welfare. Insurance.Education. Folklore.  --  3*
Demography. Sociology. Statistics.  --  31*
Demography. Population studies.  --  314*
Sociology.  --  316*
Records Found 66 records.  Other records you can see in sub-subjects.
  1. Economic census, 2002 [electronic resource] / U.S. Department of Commerce ; Economics and Statistics Administration. - Washington : U.S. Census Bureau, July, 2006. - 1 compact disc (CD-ROM) ; 12 cm.. - (ECON02 report ser. ; Disc 1C). - System requirements: A multimedia PC or compatible with a Pentium 500 MH or higher microprocessor (or compatible processor)[MFN: 2244]

    Content: Economy - wide key Statistics (02EWKS); Industry Statistics; Geographic area statistics; Economic Census of Island Areas; Nonemployer Statistics; 2003 annual survey off manufactures

    UDC: 31:33(086.82)

    U.S. Department of CommerceEconomics and Statistics Administration

    - ეკონომიკური სტატისტიკა;

    C 2.733 - Electronic Resources Service Division


  1. Publications from the national center for health statistics update [electronic resource] : vol. 2, N2, April 2006 / U.S. department of health and human services. - 2006. - 1 DVD ; 12 cm.[MFN: 2260]

    Content: Health, U.S., 2004-2005; Advance data: 339-366; Vital and health statistics series; National vital statistics reports; Healthy people 2000 reviews; Newsletters: statistical notes and statistics and surveillance and miscellaneous reports

    UDC: 31:61(086.82)

    U.S. department of health and human services

    - სამედიცინო სტატისტიკა;

    C 446/M - Music Print and Audio-Visual Resources Services Division


  1. Agricultural statistics, 2006 [electronic resources] / U.S. department of agriculture. - Washington : GPO, 2006. - 1 compact disc (CD-ROM) ; 12 cm.. - System requirements: 386 or higher IBM compatible PC[MFN: 2281]

    UDC: 31:63(73)(086.82)

    U.S. department of agriculture

    - აშშ-ს სასოფლო-სამეურნეო სტატისტიკა;

    C 2.314 - Electronic Resources Service Division


  1. Economic census, 2002 [electronic resource] / U.S. Department of Commerce ; Economics and Statistics Administration. - Washington : U.S. Census Bureau, February, 2006. - 1 compact disc (CD-ROM) ; 12 cm.. - (ECON02 Report ser. ; Disc 1C). - System requirements: A multimedia PC or compatible with a Pentium 500 MH or higher microprocessor (or compatible processor)[MFN: 2302]

    Content: Economy - wide key Statistics (02EWKS); industry Statistics; Geographic area statistics; Economic Census of Island Areas; Nonemployer Statistics; 2003 annual survey off manufactures

    UDC: 31:33(086.82)

    U.S. Department of CommerceEconomics and Statistics Administration

    - ეკონომიკური სტატისტიკა;

    C 2.732 - Electronic Resources Service Division


  1. The road not traveled [electronic resource] : Educat. reform in the Middle East and Africa : Statistical Appendix. - Washington : World Bank, 2008. - 1 compact disk (CD-ROM) ; 12 cm.. - (MENA devel. report). - In the b.: The road not traveled. - [n.p.][MFN: 2490]

    UDC: 31:37](6)(086.76)

    - განათლების სტატისტიკა აფრიკის ქვეყნებში;

    37.014.3/R-66 - Civil Education Reading Hall


  1. Africa development indicators 2007 [electronic resource]. - [Washington] : World Bank, [2008]. - 1 compact-disc (CD-ROM) ; 12 cm.. - In the b.: Africa development indicators 2007. - PC. - Windows 98 or NT 4.0 or higher. - CD-ROM reader (ISO 9660). - 20MB of available hard disk space. - 32MB of video memory. - 64K color video display recommended. - Sound card optional[MFN: 2543]

    UDC: 31:316]:33(6)(086.76)

    - სოციალ-ეკონომიკური სტატისტიკა აფრიკის ქვეყნებში;

    31:316]:33(6)/A-24 - Civil Education Reading Hall



    UNCTAD handbook of statistics [Electronic resource] = Manuel de statistiques de la CNUCED / UNCTAD. - New York ; Geneva : United Nations, 2008. - 1 DVD ; 8 cm.. - (TD/STAT.33 (DVD)). - In a b.: UNCTAD handbook of statistics, 2008. - Parallel tit. in Eng., French. - ISBN 978-92-1-012067-8[MFN: 2602]

    UDC: 31:339 + 31:336 + 31:316]:33(086.76)

    - ვაჭრობის სტატისტიკა; საფინანსო სტატისტიკა; სოციალ-ეკონომიკური სტატისტიკა;

    31:339/U-56 - Civil Education Reading Hall


  1. Africa development indicators, 2008/2009. - [Washington] : World Bank, 2009. - 1 compact disc (Cd-ROM) ; 12 cm.. - In the b.: Africa development indicators, 2008/2009[MFN: 2765]

    UDC: 331.5 + 330.534 + 330.34 + 31:316]:33](6)(086.82)

    - დასაქმება აფრიკის ქვეყნებში; აფრიკის ქვეყნების ეროვნული ანგარიშები; აფრიკის ქვეყნების ეკონომიკური განვითარება; აფრიკის ქვეყნების სოცია-ეკონომიკური სტრატეგია;

    331.5/A-24 - Civil Education Reading Hall


  1. UNCTAD handbook of statistics, 2009 [electronic resource] = Manuel de statistiques d la CNUCED / UNCTAD. - N.Y. ; Geneve : U.N., [2009]. - 1 compact disc (CD-ROM) ; 12 cm.. - In the b.: UNCTAD handbook of statistics, 2009[MFN: 2798]

    UDC: 31:316]:33(100) + 31:339.5(100)

    - მსოფლიო ქვეყნების სოციალ-ეკონომიკური სტატისტიკა; მსოფლიო ქვეყნების საგარეო ვაჭრობის სტატისტიკა;

    31:316]:33(100)/U-56 - Electronic Resources Service Division


  1. Africa development indicators, 2007 [electronic resource] / The World Bank. - [Washington : The World Bank, 2007]. - 1 compact disk (CD-ROM) + [12] p. b. User's guide ; 12 cm.. - IBM-compatible Pentium comp.. - ISBN 978-0-8213-7289-0[MFN: 2923]

    UDC: 31:316]:33(6)(086.82)

    The World BankIBRD

    - აფრიკის სოციალ-ეკონომიკური სტატისტიკა;

    C 2.607 - Electronic Resources Service Division



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