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  1. Gaur, Albertine

    A history of writing : British Library / Albertine Gaur. - Rev. ed. vene a doplnene vyd. the new introd. & rev.. - London : British Library, 1992. - 236 p. ; 27 cm.см.. - ISBN 0712302700[MFN: 3668]

    UDC: 003(038) + 44(73)(61) + 339.94(2)

    British Library

    - დამწერლობის ისტორია;

    IX 390 = 003/G-26 - Rare Book Division


    * Double: A history of writing


  1. Sepp Jakob

    Schrift + Symbol in Stein Holz und Metall / Jakob Sepp, Donatus M. Leicher. - Munchen : Callwey, 1977. - 328 p. ; 28 cm.см.. - ISBN 3766703927[MFN: 3669]

    UDC: 003 + 655.24 + 417.64(73) + 339.94(2)

    Leicher Donatus M. (auth.); 

    - ეპიგრაფიკა; წარწერები ქვაზე; შრიფტი;

    IX 391 = 003/S-48 - Rare Book Division


    * Double: Schrift + Symbol in Stein Holz und Metall


  1. Korger Hildegard

    Schrift und Schreiben : ein Fachbuch fხr alle, die mit dem Schreiben und Zeichnen von Schriften und ihrer Anwendung zu tun haben / Hildegard Korger. - Lpz. : VEB Fachbuchverlag, 1982. - 263 p. : ill. ; 28 cm.см.[MFN: 3670]

    UDC: 003 + 417.64(73).61 + 339.94(2)

    - შრიფტი;

    IX 387 = 003/K-75 - Rare Book Division


    * Double: Schrift und Schreiben


  1. Shepherd, Margaret

    Calligraphy alphabets made easy / Margaret Shepherd. - New York : Perigee Books, 1986. - 111 p. ; 28 cm.см.. - (Art instructiony ser.). - ISBN 0399512578[MFN: 3671]

    UDC: 003 + 417.64(73).61 + 339.94(2)

    - შრიფტი;

    IX 396 = 003/S-53 - Rare Book Division


    * Double: Calligraphy alphabets made easy


  1. Losty Jeremiah P.

    The art of the book in India : catalogue of an exhibition mounted at the British Library, Reference Division, 16 April-1 August 1982 ; British Library Reference Division / Jeremiah P. Losty. - London : British Library, 1982. - 160p. : ill. ; 28 cm.см.. - ISBN 0904654788[MFN: 3672]

    UDC: 002(09) + 769.2(54) + 091(54)(2)

    British Library Reference Division

    - წიგნის ისტორია ინდოეთში; ინდური ხელნაწერები; წიგნის გრაფიკა;

    IX 395 = 002(09)/L-91 - Rare Book Division


    * Double: The art of the book in India


  1. Gladt, Karl

    Deutsche Schriftfibel : anleitung zur Lektხre d. Kurrentschrift des 17.-20. Jh / Karl Gladt. - Graz : Akadem. Druck- u. Verlagsanst, 1976. - 259 p. ; 28 cm.см.. - ISBN 3201009784[MFN: 3673]

    UDC: 091 + 003.369.2(54) + 091(54(2)

    - გერმანული შრიფტი; ძველი გოთური ხელნაწერები;

    IX 397 = 091/G-51 - Rare Book Division


    * Double: Deutsche Schriftfibel


  1. Le tour en toutes lettres : anthologie / text auth. Francoise Laget. - Paris : Min. des affaires etrangeres, 2003. - 175 p. ; 25 cm.см.. - ISBN 29149350702[MFN: 3674]

    UDC: 796.603.369.2(54) + 091(54)(2)

    Laget, Francoise (aut. de texte); 

    - ველოსპორტი; "ტურ-დე-ფრანსი";

    E 21.220/4 = 796.6/T-79 - Reference and Bibliographic Division


    * Double: Le tour en toutes lettres


  1. Today the Czech Republic = Die Tschechische Republik heute / CCC. - Praha : Terra, 1999. - 48 p. ; 30 cm.см.[MFN: 3675]

    UDC: 908(437)369.2(54) + 091(54)(2)


    - ჩეხეთის რესპუბლიკა;

    E 5.064/5 = 908(437)/T-67 - Reference and Bibliographic Division


    * Double: Today the Czech Republic


  1. La Repubbblica di Georgia : seminario sulla coop. industr. e comerciale Patrocinato dal min. del commercio estero della Georgia / studio Citta' di Milano ; Estratto della relazione del min. del commercio estero della Georgia. - Vicenza : Assos. industr., 1998. - 18 p. ; 30 cm.см.[MFN: 3676]

    UDC: 338(479.22) + 339(479.22)

    Estratto della relazione del min. del commercio estero della Georgia

    - საქართველოს ეკონომიკა; ვაჭრობა საქართველოში;

    E 5.066/5 = 338(479.22)/R-44 - Civil Education Reading Hall


    * Double: La Repubbblica di Georgia


  1. Kunze, Horst

    Das grosse Buch vom Buch : eine Geschichte des Buches u. des Buchgewerbes von den Anfangen bis heute vorgestellt in Wort u. Bild/Mit 470 Abb. / Horst Kunze. - 2. verb. Aufl. oplnene vyd. the new introd. & rev.. - Berlin : Der Kinderbuchverl., 1983. - 304 p. ; 29 cm.см.. - ISBN 3358007936[MFN: 3677]

    UDC: 769.2 + 002(09)003(479.22)(2)

    - წიგნის გრაფიკა; წიგნის ისტორია;

    IX 388 = 769.2/K-92 - Rare Book Division


    * Double: Das grosse Buch vom Buch



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