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By Universal Decimal Classification (UDC)

Basic Subjects
International.  --  (1*
Universal as to place. International. All countries in general.  --  (100*
Records Found 348 records.  Other records you can see in sub-subjects.
  1. Архитектура Запада-4 : Модернизм и постмодернизм, критика концепций / [Ш.Д. Аскаров, А.П. Соколина, А.В. Ефимов и др. ; Редкол.: В.Л. Хайт (отв. ред.) и др.. - М. : Строииздат, 1987 (Моск. тип. N5). - 181с. : ил. ; 26см.см.. - Библиогр. в подстроч. примеч.. - [3л.], 21000экз.[MFN: 961]

    UDC: 72(1-662)

    Аскаров, Ш.Д. (авт.); 

    R 179.346/4 - General Stock


    * Double: Архитектура Запада-4


  1. Guidelines on condominium ownership of housing for countries in transition / ECE. - New York ; Geneva : U.N., 2002. - x, 84 p. ; 30 cm.см.. - (ECE/HBP ; 123). - ISBN 92-1-116834-1[MFN: 1237]

    UDC: 332.8(1-773)

    - საბინაო საკითხი;

    E 5.039/5 = 332.8(1-773)/G-94 - Civil Education Reading Hall


    * Double: Guidelines on condominium ownership of housing for countries in transition


  1. Globalization of R&D and developing countries : proceed. of the Expert meeting Geneva 24-26 Jan. 2005 / UNCTAD. - New York ; Geneva : U.N., 2005. - viii, 234 p. : tab. ; 22 cm.см.. - (UNCTAD/ITE/IIA/2005 ; 6). - ბიბლიოგრ. თავების ბოლოს. - ISBN 92-1-112694-0[MFN: 1898]

    UDC: 339.924 + 339.9(1-662:1-773) + 338.326 + 339.96


    - ეკონომიკური ინტეგრაცია; მოწინავე ტექნოლოგიების დანერგვა სახალხო მეურნეობაში; კაპიტალისტური და განვითარებადი ქვეყნების ეკონომიკური ურთიერთობა; ეკონომიკური დახმარება;

    E 84.034/3 = 339.924/G-54 - Civil Education Reading Hall


    * Double: Globalization of R&D and developing countries


  1. Международная выставка произведений художников социалистических стран : Социалистическое искусство в борьбе за мир, гуманизм, социальный прогресс. - М. : Сов. худ., 1985 (Тип. изд-ва "Сов. худ."). - 102c. : ил. ; 28см.см.. - 40 победных лет. - [3л.], 3000экз.[MFN: 3098]

    UDC: 73/76(1-664)(064)

    G 15.000/2 - General Stock


    * Double: Международная выставка произведений художников социалистических стран


  1. Rethinking technical cooperation : reforms for capacity building in Africa / regional Bureau for Africa, U. N. development programme a. development alternatives. - New York : U.N. Development Programme, 1993. - x, 336 p. : ill. ; 26 cm.см.. - ბიბლიოგრ.: გვ. 301-319. - ISBN 92-1-126022-1[MFN: 3208]

    UDC: 339.9(1-662:6) + 339.96

    - ეკონომიკური დახმარება; ტექნიკური დახმარების პროგრამები;

    E 21.123/4 = 339.9(1-662:6)/R-46 - Civil Education Reading Hall


    * Double: Rethinking technical cooperation


  1. Management of agricultural research : a training manual / FAO ; prep. by V.N. Asopa, G. Beye. - Rome : FAO, 1997. - 30 cm.см.[MFN: 22357]

    Asopa, V. N. (prep.);  Beye, G. (prep.); 

    Module 7 : Financial management. - 1997. - viii, 127 p. : ill.. - ISBN 92-5-104097-4[MFN: 3221]

    UDC: 338.434(1-773)

    E 4.918/5 = 338.434/M-24 - Civil Education Reading Hall


    * Double: Financial management


  1. Turnkey plants and project engineering services : a handb. for exporters from developing countries / International Trade Centre UNCTAD/GATT. - Geneva : ITC UNCTAD/GATT, 1994. - xiii, 135 p. ; 21 cm.см.. - (Market development). - ბიბლიოგრ.: გვ. 133-135. - ISBN 92-9137-016-9[MFN: 3252]

    UDC: 338.45(1-773) + 339.727.22 + 334.758 + 339.542


    - ინდუსტრიის განვითარება განვითარებად ქვეყნებში; საზღვარგარეთული ინვესტიციები; ფირმები; სავაჭრო ხელშეკრულებები;

    E 83.317/3 = 338.45(1-773)/T-95 - Civil Education Reading Hall


    * Double: Turnkey plants and project engineering services


  1. International trade in health services : a develop. perspective / UNCTAD ; ed. by Simonetta Zarrilli a. Colette Kinnon ; forew. by Rubens Ricupero, Hiroshi Nakajima. - Geneva : U.N., WHO, 1998. - x, 264 p. : tab. ; 21 cm.см.. - (UNCTAD/ITCD/TS B/5; WHO/TFHE/98.1)[MFN: 3271]

    UDC: 341.123(063) + 614.2 + 339.166 + 339.9(1-662:1-773)

    Zarrilli, Simonetta (ed.);  Kinnon, Colette (ed.);  Ricupero, Rubens (forew.);  Nakajima, Hiroshi (forew.); 

    - საერთაშორისო ვაჭრობა; ჯანდაცვა განვითარებად ქვეყნებში; გაერო;

    E 83.308/3 = 341.123(063)/I-69 - Civil Education Reading Hall


    * Double: International trade in health services


  1. ISO 9000 : a workbook for service firms in developing countries / the workb. was writ. by Dorothy Riddle ; ITC, ISO. - Geneva : ITC : ISO, 1998. - ix, 215 p. ; 30 cm.см.. - (ITC/P16.E/PMD/TSU ; 98-6). - ISBN 92-9137-093-2[MFN: 3278]

    UDC: 658.562 + 334.75(1-773)

    Riddle, Dorothy I. (auth.); 

    E 4.952/5 = 658.562/I-69 - Civil Education Reading Hall


    * Double: ISO 9000


  1. Unlocking trade opportunities : case studies of export success from developing countries : changing consumption and production patterns / IIED ; ed. by Nick Robins a. Sarah Roberts. - [London] : IIED, 1997. - 64 p. : ill. ; 30 cm.см.. - ISBN 1 899825 60 6[MFN: 3378]

    UDC: 339.564(1-773)

    Robins, Nick (ed.);  Roberts, Sarah (ed.); 

    E 4.938/5 = 339.564(1-773)/U-58 - Civil Education Reading Hall


    * Double: Unlocking trade opportunities



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