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Records:On your query found 39 records
  1. U.S.-China relations : Status of reforms in China : Hrg. before the subcomm. on East Asian and Pacific affaires of the Comm. on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, 108th congr., 2nd sess., Apr. 22, 2004 : [microfiche]. - Washington : U.S. gov. print. off., 2004. - 1 microfiche ; 105x148mm. - (Serial N108-609)[MFN: 476]

    UDC: 327(73:510)

    Full TEXT
    Congressional Committee Materials Online via GPO Access

    - აშშ-ჩინეთის საგარეო ურთიერთობები;

    MFB 91 - Microforms Division


  1. Health effects of particulate air pollution: what does the science say? : Hrg. before the comm. on science, house of representatives, 107th congr., 2nd sess., May 8, 2002 : [microfiche]. - Washington : U.S. gov. print. off., 2002. - 2 microfiches ; 105x148mm. - (Serial N107-60)[MFN: 646]

    UDC: 613.14+502.55

    Full TEXT
    U.S. House of Representatives - Committee Hearings

    - ჰაერის დაბინძურება; გარემოს გაჭუჭყიანება სამრეწველო ნარჩენებით;

    MFB 261 - Microforms Division


  1. The monitoring of weapons development in Iraq, as required by U.N. security council resolution 687(April 3, 1991); and reaffirming the special relationship between the U.S. and the republic of the Philippines : Markup before the comm. on interational relations, house of representatives, 107th congr., 1st sess., Dec. 12, 2001 : [microfiche]. - Washington : U.S. gov. print. off., 2002. - 1 microfiche ; 105x148mm. - (Serial N107-60)[MFN: 864]

    UDC: 623.45:621.384(567)

    Full TEXT
    U.S. House of Representatives - Committee Hearings

    - მასობრივი განადგურების იარაღი ერაყში;

    MFB 479 - Microforms Division


  1. Poetry's "catbird seat" at 60 : A celebration of the 60th anniversary of the consultants in poetry and the poets laureat : [microfiche]. - 1997. - 1 microfiche ; 105x148mm[MFN: 1071]

    MFB 683 - Microforms Division


  1. Securing electronic personal data: striking a balance between privacy and commercial and governmental use : Hrg. before the comm. on the judiciary, U.S. Senate, 109th congr., 1st sess., Apr. 13, 2005 : [microfiche]. - Washington : U.S. gov. print. off., 2005. - 3 microfiches ; 105x148mm. - (Serial N109-60)[MFN: 1243]

    Full TEXT
    Congressional Committee Materials Online via GPO Access

    MFB 850 - Microforms Division


  1. Notification to enter into a free trade agreement with the Sultanate of Omen : Message from the president of the United States transmitting notice of intention to enter into a free trade agreement with the sultanate of oman, in accordance with section 2105(a)(1)(A) of the trade act of 2002 (Pub. L. 107-210), pursuant to 19 U.S.C. 2112(e)(1). - Washington : U.S. gov. print. off., 2005. - 1 microfiche ; 105x148mm. - (House Doc. 109-60)[MFN: 1435]

    MFB 1037 - Microforms Division


  1. Supreme court's kelo decision and potential congressional responses : [microfiche]. - Washington : U.S. gov. print. off., 2005. - 2 microfiches ; 105x148mm. - (Serial N109-60)[MFN: 1674]

    Full TEXT
    Congressional Committee Materials Online via GPO Access

    MFB 1276 - Microforms Division


  1. Management and oversight of the national flood insurance program : [microfiche] : Hrg. before the subcomm. on housing and community opportunuty of the comm. on financial services, U.S. house of representatives, 109th congr., 1st sess., Oct. 20, 2005. - Washington : U.S. gov. print. off., 2005. - 2 microfiches ; 105x148mm. - (Serial N109-60)[MFN: 1676]

    Full TEXT
    Congressional Committee Materials Online via GPO Access

    MFB 1278 - Microforms Division


  1. Yucca mountain project: have federal employees falsifield documents? : [microfiche] : Hrg. before the subcomm. on the federal workforce and agency organization of the comm. on government reform, house of representatives, 109th congr., 1st sess., Apr. 5, 2005. - Washington : U.S. gov. print. off., 2005. - 4 microfiches ; 105x148mm. - (Serial N109-60)[MFN: 1803]

    Full TEXT
    Congressional Committee Materials Online via GPO Access

    MFB 1405 - Microforms Division


  1. Disrupting terrorist travel: safeguarding america's border through information sharing : [microfiche] : Joint hrg. before the subcomm. on infrastructure and border security and the subcomm. on intelligence and counterrorism of the comm. on homeland security, house of representatives, 108th congr., 2nd sess., Sept. 30, 2004. - Washington : U.S. gov. print. off., 2006. - 1 microfiche ; 105x148mm. - (Serial N108-60)[MFN: 2050]

    Full TEXT
    Congressional Committee Materials Online via GPO Access

    MFB 1651 - Microforms Division



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