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Records:On your query found 184 records
  1. Chechnya : Implications for Russia and the Caucasus : Hrg. before the Comm. on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate, 106th congr., 1st sess., Nov. 4, 1999 : [microfiche]. - Washington : U.S. Government printing office, 2000. - 1 microfiche ; 105x148mm. - (S.Hrg. 106-294). - ISBN 0-16-060346-3[MFN: 408]

    UDC: 323.173(470:470.66) + 355.355(470:470.66)

    Full TEXT
    Congressional Committee Materials Online via GPO Access

    - რუსეთ-ჩეჩნეთის კონფლიქტი; რუსეთის შეიარაღებული ძალები ჩეჩნეთში;

    MFB 23 - Microforms Division


  1. Situation in Kosovo : Hrg. before the Comm. on International Relations, House of Representatives, 106th congr., 1st sess., Apr. 21, 1999 : [microfiche]. - Washington : U.S. gov. print. off., 1999. - 1 microfiche ; 105x148mm. - (Serial N106-36)[MFN: 486]

    UDC: 323(497.1)

    - კოსოვოს საშინაო პოლიტიკა;

    MFB 101 - Microforms Division


  1. Terrorism in the United States : The nature and extent of the threat and possible legislative respones : Hrg. before the comm. on juditiary, U.S. Senate, 104th congr., 1st sess., Apr. 27 and May 24, 1995 : [microfiche]. - Washington : U.S. gov. print. off., 1997. - 3 microfiches ; 105x148mm. - (Serial NJ-104-18)[MFN: 508]

    UDC: 323.28+327.84+343.326(73)

    - ტერორიზმი ამერიკაში;

    MFB 123 - Microforms Division


  1. Terrorist threats to the United States : Hrg. before the subcomm. on immigration and claims of the Comm. on Juditiary, House of Representatives, 106th congr., 2nd sess., Jan. 26, 2000 : [microfiche]. - Washington : U.S. gov. print. off., 2000. - 1 microfiche ; 105x148mm. - (Serial N85)[MFN: 510]

    UDC: 323.28+327.84+343.326(73)

    Full TEXT
    U.S. House of Representatives - Committee Hearings

    MFB 125 - Microforms Division


  1. Combating terrorism : Coordination of non-medical R&D programs : Hrg. before the Comm. on Gov. Reform, House of Representatives, 106th congr., 2nd sess., 2000 : [microfiche]. - Washington : U.S. gov. print. off., 2000. - 2 microfiches ; 105x148mm. - (Serial N106-168)[MFN: 512]

    UDC: 323.28+327.84+343.326

    Full TEXT
    Congressional Committee Materials Online via GPO Access

    - ტერორიზმთან ბრძოლა;

    MFB 127 - Microforms Division


  1. Justice for victims of terrorism act : Hrg. before the Comm. on the Judiciary, House of Representatives, 106th congr., 2nd sess., Apr. 13, 2000 : [microfiche]. - Washington : U.S. gov. print. off., 2000. - 1 microfiche ; 105x148mm. - (Serial N129)[MFN: 513]

    UDC: 323.28+327.84+343.326

    Full TEXT
    U.S. House of Representatives - Committee Hearings

    - ტერორიზმის წინააღმდეგ ბრძოლა;

    MFB 128 - Microforms Division


  1. Terrorist threats to the United States : Hrg. before the Comm. on Armed services, House of Representatives, 106th congr., 2nd sess., May 23, 2000 : [microfiche]. - Washington : U.S. gov. print. off., 2000. - 1 microfiche ; 105x148mm. - (Serial N106-52)[MFN: 514]

    UDC: 323.28+327.84+343.326(73)

    Full TEXT
    U.S. House of Representatives - Committee Hearings

    - ტერორიზმის წინააღმდეგ ბრძოლა აშშ-ში;

    MFB 129 - Microforms Division


  1. Report of the National commission on terrorism : Hrg. before the select Comm. on Intelligence, U.S. Senate, 106th congr., 2nd sess., June 8, 2000 : [microfiche]. - Washington : U.S. gov. print. off., 2001. - 1 microfiche ; 105x148mm. - (Serial N106-864)[MFN: 515]

    UDC: 323.28+327.84+343.326

    - ტერორიზმთან ბრძოლა;

    MFB 130 - Microforms Division


  1. Combating terrorism : Individual protective equipment for U.S. forces, inventory and quality controls : Hrg. before the Comm. on Government reform, House of Representatives, 106th congr., 2nd sess., June 21, 2000 : [microfiche]. - Washington : U.S. gov. print. off., 2001. - 2 microfiches ; 105x148mm. - (Serial N106-222)[MFN: 516]

    UDC: 323.28+327.84+343.326

    Full TEXT
    Congressional Committee Materials Online via GPO Access

    - ტერორიზმთან ბრძოლა;

    MFB 131 - Microforms Division


  1. Countering the changing threat of International terrorism : Hrg. before the Comm. on the Juditiary, U.S. Senate, 106th congr., 2nd sess., June 28, 2000 : [microfiche]. - Washington : U.S. gov. print. off., 2001. - 1 microfiche ; 105x148mm. - (Serial NJ-106-95)[MFN: 517]

    UDC: 323.28+327.84+343.326

    Full TEXT
    Congressional Committee Materials Online via GPO Access

    - ტერორიზმთან ბრძოლა;

    MFB 132 - Microforms Division



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