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(A particular activity, entity or transaction that is selected for specific Customs scrutiny; Ziel, Zweck; թիրախ, նպատակ; მიზანი) გარკვეული ქმედება, ერთეული ან ოპერაცია, რომელიც შერჩეულია More…
(A duty (or tax) levied upon goods transported from one customs area to another either for protective or revenue purposes. Tariffs raise the prices of imported goods, thus making them More…
Tariff ceiling
(Any pre-set value or quantity, authorized for importation or exportation of given goods, during a specified period, with a reduction of the normal Customs duties, and beyond which the More…
Tariff classification of goods
(Any pre-set value or quantity, authorized for importation or exportation of given goods, during a specified period, with a reduction of the normal Customs duties, and beyond which the More…
Tax Audit
(An examination of a tax matter by a tax authority. It can be done on the premisses oft he taxpayer (field audit) or distantly from the office of a tax authority (desk audit).; More…
Tax Avoidance
(generally used to describe the arrangement of a taxpayer's affairs that is intended to reduce his tax liability and that although the arrangement could be strictly legal it is usually More…
Tax Credit
(Allowance of deduction from or a direct offset against the amount of tax due as opposed to an offset against income.; Steuergutschrift; հարկերի վերադարձ; გადასახადის ჩათვლა) გულისხმობს More…
Tax Evasion
(illegal arrangements where liability to tax is hidden or ignored, i.e. the taxpayer pays less tax than he is legally obligated to pay by hiding income or information from the tax More…
Tax Exemption
(Tax laws frequently provide specific exemptions for persons, items or transactions, etc. which would otherwise be taxed. Exemptions may be given for social, economic or other reasons.; More…
Tax Forclosure
(The process of enforcing a lien against property for non-payment of delinquent property taxes.; Steuerabschottung; հարկային գանձում; საგადასახადო გირავნობა და ყადაღა) როდესაც გადასახადის More…
Tax Free Zone
(Area within the territory of a country in which customs duties and other types of indirect taxes are not applied.; Steuerfreie Zone; չհարկվող գոտի; თავისუფალი ზონა) ზონა, რომელიმე More…
Tax Haven
(Tax haven in the "classical" sense refers to a country which imposes a low or no tax, and is used by corporations to avoid tax which otherwise would be payable in a high-tax More…
Tax Holiday
(Fiscal policy measure often found in developing countries. A tax holiday offers a period of exemption from income tax for new industries in order to develop or diversify domestic More…
Tax Information Exchange Agreements (TIES)
(Agreement which allows governments to share tax and other information with a view to combating tax evasion, drug trafficking, etc.; Steuerinformationsabkommen (TIES); Հարկային More…
Tax Loss
(The term may broadly be defined as the excess of deductible expenses over taxable revenues for a period.; Steuerverlüste; հարկային կորուստ; საგადასახადო ზარალი) განისაზღვრება, როგორც More…
Tax Loss Carryback
(In some jurisdictions, a tax loss can be brought backwards, with limited timeframe, and off-set against past tax profits, therefore reduce past tax liabilities and claim back the taxes More…
Tax Loss Carryforward
(A tax loss can be brought forward, with limited timeframe (e.g. 5, 7, 10 years) and off-set against future tax profits and therefore reduce future tax liabilities.; Fortschreibung der More…
Tax Offense
(Tax offences may be specified in the tax laws covering matters such as late filing, late payment, failure to declare taxable income or transactions, and negligent or fraudulent More…
Tax Rate
(a rate based on which taxes are calculated. Generally, tax rate is multiplied over tax base.; Steuersatz; հարկաչափ, հարկադրույք; გადასახადის განაკვეთი) განაკვეთი რომლის მიხედვითაც More…
Tax Releif
(Generic term to describe all methods used to reduce tax liability without regard to the particular way it is accomplished.; Steuererleichterungen; Հարկային բեռի թեթևացում; საგადასახადო More…
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