Kapistoni Tetri

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Kapistoni Tetri

Tetri Kapistoni – is a local winery vine variety. Cultivated in upper Imereti, it provides quality champagne and table wine materials.

The synonym for Kapistoni among winemakers is not known.

In literaturesources (I. Bakhtadze, 5), the variety is named as “Kapistona”, mostly in Shorapani Mazra.

In foreign Ampelography works (Piula, Goete, and Viala da Vermoreli) Tetri Kabistoni is known and described as “Kapistoni Blan” (tetri) and “Zekroula Kapistoni.” The last is brought as the variation of Tetri Kapistoni. It must be mentioned that in Racha- Lechkhumi, “Tetri Kapistoni” is a completely independent variety, as the Racheli Tetri Kapistoni presents a female sex flower.

Kapistoni is a local Imereti vine variety. It originates from the indigenous vine varieties of Kolkha. By morphological and agricultural features it is closest to Imereti types and differs only in its blossoming. With its morphological description, Tetri Kapistoni belongs to the prol. pontica Negr. group.

There is no information about the origin and location of the vine. According to the research ofacademician Iv. Javakhishvili (4), Tetri Kapistoni is one of the oldest varieties in Georgia. And even in old literature (from the second half of the 19th century), Tetri Kapistoni was a well known variety. For example, Tetri Kapistoni was named and described by I. Bakhtadze (5), V. Staroslevski (15) and Prof. K. Modebadze (2.3) as a vine which was distributed in Shorapani (former Mazri) mountain villages.

According to 1947 vineyard statistics, Tetri Kapistoni was cultivated in Orjonikidze, partly in Zestafoni and Chkhare districts. Tetri Kapistoni roots are met in almost every village in upper Imereti. Based on material variety was cultivated over then 48 hectares. At present, Tetri Kapistoni is cultivated in: Kharagauli, Fartskhnali, Islari, and Tetrskaro on small plots.

In Orjonikidze district villages, Tetri kapistoni is cultivated on small plots, and in other districts is presented as an admixture. In small numbers, Tetri Kapistoni is cultivated in the Institute of Viticulture and Enology of Telavi and Sakare stations and in collective vineyards. It can also be found in small numbers in France.


Botanical description

Kapistoni Tetri is explored and described in the village of Bazaleti at Sakare testing station.

The young shoot

The young shoot (15 - 20cm) is round and strongly covered in whitish-gray hair-like down. This covering increases to the top of the spout and is sometimes a red color. The growth cone is flat and completely covered by web-like whitish down, while on the surface, pink spots are noticeable. The first and second leaves are covered by whitish down on both sides, especially the underside of the leaf which is strongly covered. On the third and fourth leaves, the covering is less depicted, particularly on the top surface, and it gradually disappears with the following leaves. The 5th and 6th leaves on the 3rd row are bright green-yellow.

The one year sprout

The developed sprout has a middle thickness, oval shape and becomes bright brown or dark purple by the time of full maturity. It has dark, quite flat lines. The average length of an axil is 9 - 12cm.


Leaf petioles are bare, but covered with slightly noticeable weblike flakes here and there. They are light pink- with longitudinal green stripes. The length of the leaf’s petiole is equal to the middle vein or slightly shorter. On the upper side, the leaf has small blisters, while on the underside it is covered by thin weblike down. The lower part of the incision is often upright, slightly or sometimes strongly cut. Rarely, it is lyre-like, having nearly parallel edges and a sharp basis.

The leaf

The mature leaf is roundish and middle sized, about 18 - 20cm long and 16.0 - 19 cm wide, with a bright greenish-yellow coloring. The average length-width ranges from 19 - 18cm. The incision of the leaf’s petiole is open and arch-like, with a square-shaped basis; rarely, lyre-like. On the basis, one plain tooth is sometimes developed; rarely, the incision of the petiole is closed and similar to an egg in shape.

The upper incision is quite deep and changeable, sometimes closed and either elliptical or egg-shaped, with a sharp basis. The lower incision is as well developed as the upper incision and often slightly deep.

As a rule, the leaf is three-lobed, rarely five. The edge of the tip creates an obtuse angle to the blade, rarely – right.

The flower

The flower is hermaphroditic with normally developed pistil and stamens. The stamens are generally longer than the pistil, sometimes equal. In a flower there are 5-6 stamens, though seven can also be found. The pistil is rounded-cone-like, rarely covered with warts with a curled receptacle.

The bunch

The length of the pedicel of the bunch from its receptacle is 2.5 - 3.5cm. It is quite thick and woody until the axil, while the remaining part is grass-like and is bright green. The bunches are small: 14 - 17 long and 8 - 10cm wide and are often cylindrical or cylindrical-cone shaped with a wing that often comes to half the length of the bunch. The average size is 15 - 10cm. The length of the pedicel is, on average, 2.5 – 3.5cm while the length of a bunch’s pedicel is 6 - 7mm and is a light green color. The berry receptacle is wide cone-like and is rugged.

The grain

Grains are average size, their length varying from 1.7 to 1.9cm; the width from 1.6 to 1.79cm. The size of an average berry is 1.75 x 1.68 cm, the shape- rounded or slightly oval. Large berries are often oval and average, or thin and rounded. The middle part of the berry is wider and its end is rounded. Grains are greenish-yellow and on the sun-lit side have dark burn spots. The grain’s skin is thin but dense. The flesh is averagely dense, and is pleasant with a slightly depicted typical taste. Grains are covered with thin wax-like flakes and are strongly attached to the receptacle.

The seed

The number of seeds in a berry varies from 1 to 4. There are, on average, two seeds in a grain. Seeds vary in shape: most often they are narrow, rounded-oblong in shape, rarely rounded with short tips. Their length, with tip, is 6 - 8 mm; the width is 3.0 – 3.5 mm. The body of seeds is straw-colored and has a rounded-oval shape. The kalaza is located in the upper part of body, has an oval shape, being concave in the middle. The incision from the kalaza to upper part and tip is well depicted, being narrow but deep. The abdominal side of the seed is slightly wavy or flat. Clefts of the abdomen are not deep and run towards the tip in parallel lines. The beak is cylinder shape, with a 1.5 – 1.8mm length. The basis of the cleft is yellow; the tip is narrow cone-like and rugged.

Agro-biological characterization

Observations of the course of the vegetation period and its phases were conducted on Zestafoni collective plot of the Institute of Viticulture and Enology in Sakare testing station, which is built in a valley 149.7m above sea level; the Institute of Viticulture and Enology collective vineyard of Kurdgelauri village, at 562.3m above sea level; and the Ukraine Institute of Viticulture and Enology of Odessa. Phonological observations were held by guideline, which included using two side trail guidlines. Below is given the main data of the vegetation period (see Table 1).

As is shown from Table 1, in Imereti, budding begins from the first part of April, and reaches full ripeness by the end of September.

Vegetation can last about 169 days and the sum of active temperature for this period equals 3360°. In Ukraine (Odessa), the vegetation period lasts 166 days and the sum of active temperature equals 3280°. Among Imereti vine varieties, Tetri Kapistoni ripens 12 - 15 day earlier. From this point, upper Imereti – Sachkhere, Chiatura, and Orjonikidze -is very interesting, as the only vines there are Tsitska and Tsolokouri which do not manages full ripening during the year.

In Kakheti conditions, Tetri Kapistoni ripens together with Rkatsiteli or earlier. It is characterized with good productivity. According to French ampelographist, Paula, Tetri Kapistoni ripens very well in central parts of France. The sugar during warm weather reaches 23 (Bometi).

Tetri Kapistoni’s one year sprout is good, productive and durable against frost.

The productivity

Tetri Kapistoni, like other Georgian vine varieties, with proper cultivation and in suitable ecological conditions, is very productive. The first sign of harvest comes in the second or more frequently the third year, white full harvest takes place from the fourth or fifth years. According to Kvaratskhelia (12), Tetri Kapistoni is a middle harvesting vine. It ranges from 1.5 to 2.0kg per vine root, meaning 60 - 80 centners per hectare.

The table below shows the characterization of productivity of Tetri Kapistoni by professors T. Kvaratskhelia and Dr. E. Komarov Table 2).

With good characteristics, the harvest of Tetri Kapistoni is praised. The average coefficient of productivity ranges from 1.3 to 1.85 and includes 1.5 (Zestafoni) and 1.63 (Telavi). The average weight of a bunch ranges from 80 to 100g. Of the first group of large bunches there were 50% (with an average weight of 500g); of the second- average –bunches there were 48% (with an average weight of 250g); and of small bunches- 16% (with an average weight of 140g).

As shown from the statistics, the average harvest consists of 60 - 70 centners per hectare. According to Prof. K. Modebadze, “Tetri Kapistoni is characterized with many good features.”

Durability against phylloxera and fungal diseases

Tetri Kapistoni displays quite good resistance to fungal diseases and particularly to powdery mildew; even in some districts around Tbilisi where Tetri Kapistoni is cultivated on its own root, but with the application of phosphorus. Prof. T. Kvaratskelia states: “Kapistoni is easily harmed by mildew”(12). Yet this does not cause a negative impact as the disease in nearly unnoticeable.

Tetri Kapistoni is more sensitive to downy mildew, especially in lowland and high-moisture areas, such as Imereti and Kakheti. A complete destruction of the vine by heat or frost has not been recorded. Tetri Kapistoni adapts to all types of soil and is able to grow independently. The best productivity is given by Kapistoni in Bazaleti village, Gharislhevi, Tetritskaro, Islari, and Partskhnali. It has well adapted to Riparia X Rupestris 3306, 3309 and Rupestris diuloze, and in clay soil, Riparia X Berlnadieri 420a and 5 bb.

Technical characteristics

Tetri Kapistoni is unquestionably a wine type variety. The production of Tetri Kapistoni can also be used for table grape; after all, it has taken the leading place among the white vines varieties. The data below shows the consistency of sugar, acidity and chemical analysis of the vine.

As shown in Table 3, the vine contains a huge amount of juice, of which 75% is used for champagne and 76% for wine preparation.

The Tetri Kapistoni grape cultivated the villages of Imereti consist of a large amount of sugar and acidity. This feature makes it valuable in the preparation of champagne materials. In Orjonikidze, the sugar makes up 23% and acidity drops from 8.7 to 7.8%. An experiment was conducted in the Sakare testing station to find out the percentage of sugar-acidity (see Table 4).

The ripening process dynamic for sugar accumulation and reduction of acidity was held in Sakare testing station (V. Demetradze, 1). In the table below you can see the ripeness of the Tetri Kapistoni grape in Zestafoni and Orjonikidze districts.

Beside the sugar it is acidic. The feature makes it valuable in the preparation of champagne materials.

Use of grape and wine quality

Tetri Kapistoni is mostly used for the preparation of table wine. More often, in the case of the vine being cultivated on an exclusive plot, pure wine is made from it. As a grape it is also used for consumption. Lately, it has been used as material for champagne and on a local peasant farm Imereti wine is made. The grape is pressed in a pressing machine. The left-over juice is kept in special dishes and in decalitre juice 0.8 - 1.0kg pure pomace is added. Stavroseltckii After this, Tetri Kapistoni is removed and pressed only for champagne wine.

Depending what kind of wine is going to be prepared, Tetri Kapistoni is harvested at different times in relation to the sugar-acidity level. For champagne, the wine must needs 18 - 19% sugar, and 10 - 12% acidity. The grape should be harvested when the sugar is 20 - 22% and acidity 8 - 10%. The sugar in the grape juice ripens on 15 September in central Imereti, (Zestafoni district) and in upper Imereti, it begins from 20 - 25 September (Orjonikidze district).

The time when the vine has completed its sugar-acidity accumulation is when it is used only for champagne wines. Prof. K.Modebadze (2, 3) praises the wine and explains what brought its popularity. V. Staroslav describes the wine as clear, with pleasant features. Stariselsky (15) describes Kapistoni as a good quality wine material for soviet champagne.

Remarkable news about Tetri Kapistoni was provided by French ampelographist Pulliat. In 1868, he received 25 vine varieties from Longiel, the director of the Akhameti agricultural school in Kutaisi, amongst which the Kapistoni shoot was included. In central parts of France, Tetri Kapistoni- over 10 years was described as heavily harvested and good quality vine. On some occasions, its grape contained sugar up to 23%. In his conclusion, Pulliat states: “Kapistoni ripen easily in the central parts of France, which is why it needs special attention for future development in Georgia.” V.Demetradze (1).

I. Bakhtadze in his works writes: The wine received from this vine (from the Shorapani Mazra valley) is considered as the best. Other wines, such as Sviri, Shrosha, Kharagouli and Tsolokouri, are also considered to be top wines in Imereti. This wine, made from the vine “Kapistoni,” which has all the best qualities and no weaknesses from French wines. Its cultivation is limited and is not met anywhere outside Kharagouli. “Tsolikouri from Bazaleti is considered the best” (5).

Based on the conclusion of I . Bakhradze, the base wine is made from “Kapistoni” from Kharagouli village and Tsolikouri wine from Bazaleti. This statement was noted and taken ino consideration by the systematic observation of the population. In Sakare testing station, from Tetri Kapistoni, champagne materials were made. At sessions of the Central Degustation Commission of the Institute of Viticulture and Enology on 12 December, 1937; January 29,1938; and December 20, 1939, Kapistoni was highly evaluated and awarded with the highest grade. The wine samples were presented from Sakare testing station by V. Demetradze. The same samples were presented in 1939 at Sakare testing station and tasted by famous Champagnist, Professor Frolov-Bagrevi, who confirmed the high quality of the wine, and compared it with the French wine Chardonnay. At the session of the Central Degustation Commission on 3rd May, 1940, in Moscow, Kapistoni was remarked and evaluated with 7.7 points. On 17th August in 1943, in Tbilisi, the Central Degustation Commission was invited by the Academy of the Science-Agriculture Department of Georgia to evaluate Kapistoni wine from Terjola village. The wine received 7.8 points and was described as an “Incomparable wine by taste and aroma”. From ready champagnes, the high praise was received by Kapistoni from Tetritskaro village in 1939.

According to the Degustation Commission, good quality wines can be produced from: Tetri Kapistoni, Rachuli Mtsvivani, Tsitska and Dzelvashi.

All this data shows that Kapistoni is really good wine material especially for champagne. It has a soft taste, pleasant and good bouquet, and harmony.

Below are shown the chemical statistics which were used in the preparation of table and champagne wines. (See Table 6)

According to Professor K. Modebadze (3), Tetri Kapistoni wine includes alcohol, full acidity and extract from Shorapani Mazra high land (see Table 7)

As shown from the statistics, Kapistoni wine is rich in chemical consistency. It is remarkable that the wine can provide a high volume of acidity and has a large extract.

Tetri Kapistoni is an interesting variety providing good quality materials for Soviet champagne. French champagne varieties in Imereti do not develop the necessary acidity and become watery.

Tetri Kapistoni provides quality table wine features if made following European or Imereti guidelines. It has a softness and a pleasant taste. In particular, Kapistoni is good quality from Bazaleti, Gariskhevi, Tetritskaro, Partskhnali, Kharagouli, and Islari villages. Because of good references (according to K Modebadze), the wine received an honorable place in local viticulture (2.3).

Tetri Kapistoni has the ability of early ripening, which is why it is used also as a consumption grape, and a good class of non alcoholic grape juice. Together with sugar, the vine consists of high acidity, which gives the wine a pleasant taste to drink.

Despite the good recommendation and positive features, Tetri Kapistoni is limited in cultivation. This could be explained by the lack of knowledge regarding Kapistoni. In future, it is planned to develop the champagne industry in upper Imereti.


The variation of Tetri Kapistoni is not yet developed. In the French ampelography of Viala and Vermond, it is called “Zekroula Kapistoni,” which ripens 15 days earlier and could be the variety Tetri Kapistoni. Such variations are not found in Georgia, and “Zekroula,” according to academician Iv. Javakhishvili (4), is a mispronunciation of the word “Shekrula,” which means density of the bunch. It should be mentioned that Tetri Kapistoni is different from Racha Kapistoni and, in conclusion, it may be considered as an independent variety.

General evaluation and distribution by district

Tetri Kapistoni is a representative of the early-ripening vine species group, which is limited in cultivation.

This species can be successfully cultivated in the mountainous regions of Georgia as it is early ripening and can be used for making champagne material and for table wine of local importance.

In order to achieve high quality champagne material, the harvest of Tetri Kapistoni should be done in the first half of September in Kartli districts and at the end of August and the beginning of September in the districts of central and upper Imereti. Based on 1947 statistics, the total area of Tetri Kapistoni did not exceed 48 hectares.

It received good references from the Degustation Commission and was considered as potentially the best wine material for champagne in the future. It has a pleasant taste, typical aroma, and softness.

The vine is characterized by average growth, in more suitable ecological conditions, and with the application of high technological methods, it can provide higher than average development, which can be used in the preparation of champagne, Imerati table and European wine type, no volume of alcohol in the juice and table grapes.

Tetri Kapistoni does not display good resistance to fungal diseases and particularly to powdery mildew; that is why agro-technical involvement is necessary.

It is not well known and distributed. Thus, it is not included on the famous wine list- a fact that must be taken into consideration, with the distribution in different parts of Georgian needing to take place soon. This will help scientists to choose the location when it can be easily cultivated.

Tetri Kapistoni is considered as a very prospective species for the development of viticulture in Georgia. It should be distributed in Ukraine and North Caucasus.


1. Demetradze V., Materials for Dividing Georgian Viticulture and Enology Industry into Regions and Specialization. Kutaisi, 1936.
2. Modebadze K. Viticulture, Tbilisi, 1931.
3. Modebadze K. Wines of Shorapani Mazra of North-East High Land. Works of Sakare testing station, Vol. VIII, Tbilisi, 1925.
4. Javakhishvili Iv., Economic History of Georgia, Vol.II. 1934.


Ketskhoveli, N. Georgian ampelography = საქართველოს ამპელოგრაფია / N. Ketskhoveli, M. Ramishvili, D. Tabidze ; [transl. by Dimitri Dolaberidze, Magda Javakhishvili, Sopho Chakhnashvili ; ed.: Katie Davise (main ed.), D. Maghradze, Larisa Vashakidze, Teimuraz Ghlonti]. - 2nd edition. - [Tbilisi] : Exclusive Print Ltd., [2012]. - 456 p. : ill. ; 32 cm.

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