The electronic and card catalogues are the primary access point to the Library’s collections. By means of catalogues users can search for books, newspapers, journals, dissertations, sheet music, maps and other items (by location, call number, availability etc.).
Electronic Catalogues:
- Catalogues (new interface)
(multilingual, books in Georgian published since1629, are updated and edited on a regular basis)
- Electronic Catalogues (old version)
(is not updated since 2015)
- The Directory of Georgian Newspapers allows readers to search for newspapers issued in Georgia since 1819
(multilingual, updated and edited on a regular basis)
- Foreign Newspapers- with this catalogue readers can search for foreign newspapers preserved at the National Library issued since 1756
(multilingual, updated and edited on a regular basis)
- Electronic Catalogue of German Books and Periodicals is created for the National Library Wilhelm von Humbolt German Reading Hall users
(updated and edited on a regular basis)
- Georgian Literature in German - the bibliographic catalogue covers 828 translations and publications published in Germany, Austria and Switzerland in 1850-2021.
Card catalogues:
There are two types of the National Library card catalogues; the first for library users and the second for library science. The following card catalogues are available to the library users:
- Multilingual Systematic Catalogue
- Russian Alphabetical Catalogue
- Alphabetical, Chronological, Geographical, Systematic Catalogues of Periodicals
- Alphabetical and Systematic Catalogues of Kartvelological Books
- Alphabetical and Chronological Catalogues of Periodicals
- Systematic Catalogue of the Musical Division of the Library