
N. Maisuradze. Category of Freedom: History, Contemporary World, and Problems. - Tbilisi: Metsniereba - 1996 - 119 p. - Bibl. 49 - in Russian.

The monograph consists of four chapters.

The first chapter - "Category of freedom in the history of philosophical thought" - considers the category of freedom taking into cognizance its logic-historical and philosophical-political aspects. According to the author, the first apprehension act of freedom represents the mythology, in which the different spheres of human existence are considered through the unity of syncretism.

The author states that the synthetic thinking, based upon the comprehensive knowledge, constitutes the basic foundation, envisaging the truly free activity of a man.

The second chapter - "Interpretation of freedom in the modern philosophy. Existentialism - the basic philosophical trend in establishment of the new comprehension of the category of "freedom", considers the comprehension of the category of "freedom" in the philosophy of existentialists: Kirkegor, Heidegger, Jaspers, Sartre and Camus, whose attitude towards the aforesaid category differs from that of preceding philosophers-rationalists and essentialists in the main.

The third chapter - "Principles of the human freedom: conscious, unconscious and physical" - freedom is considered as an activity that proceeds from the correct (scientific), single-minded way of thinking. According to the author, freedom represents the synthesis of consciousness, unconsciousness and physical conception. Free thinking - as the author states - is nothing but complete possession of knowledge, obtained by mankind in all spheres of life.

The author considers the intuition as an expression of unconsciousness through which the human individuality, his will, depth of feelings and consciousness, his ability and unique character as well as his subconscious intuition are determined. As for physical one, the author states that it is a factor necessary for existence of human freedom, since the thinking is impossible without physical aspect.

In the fourth chapter - "Problem of "Me" and "Not me" in the molding of consciousness and self-consciousness of a free individual - as a main issue of category "freedom" - the author offers a new structure of human essence, consisting in integral unity of "Me", "Not Me" and "Another n" (environment, other individuals and the society as a whole in a free-variable aspect), i.e. the human essence is considered as a unity of subjectivity, objectivity and potentiality that insures the most comprehensive manifestation of freedom of an individual.

N. Maisuradze. Philomenology (Philosophy of love to the life). - Tbilisi: Metsniereba - 1997 -126 p. - Bibl. 53 - in Russian.

The monograph consists of two chapters.

In the first chapter - "Humane goals under the conditions of establishment of freedom and personal-humane society"- the author, on the basis of freedom analysis as an innate aspiration of a man, offers the philosophical conception, called "Philomenology" (philosophy of love to the life), that is presented as a natural and genetic aspiration of a man that divulges from the beginning of life as an orientating and creative force, as a necessary principle of development of environment and apprehension of himself, as the powerful force as a facility of human will and the precise determination of the own and the other's existence.

Proceeding from the above-mentioned, the author states that "the love of the life", represents the basis of supreme human goals and stimulating force for creating the supreme values and culture of the mankind, including - the state.

The love of the life created the conception about the God. Since the both cases -The God created a man or a man created the God - envisage the love towards the life as a basic principle of activity.

As distinct from the conciliatory character of Sweitser's "reverence before the life" that is revealed as a result of comprehending the life and veneration before it, the supposed by the author conception approves that the philosophy of "the love to life" accompanies an individual from the first minutes of his existence and facilitates him to get freedom.

In the second chapter - "Freedom and ways of its realization" - the author considers the role of ideology, creative activity, and belief in own super-might in the process of expansion of borders of freedom, progress, humanity and love for life.

The basis of political and social freedom, according to the author, is the love towards the life.

The author gives an idea of the integrity politics, as a foundation of the political freedom; conscious and intuition will, that in its turn create the political will; conscious and subconscious intuition and generalizing the above aspects in the sphere of policy, indicates that the political intuition is the significant factor for the political freedom.

Under this, the author acknowledges the unity of the conscious (multiple learning), subconscious-intuitive, moral-esthetical and normal physical ability, which is displayed in the art of the skillful leadership, and which, as the integrated policy is very important for today's world.

N. Maisuradze. The Phenomena of Freedom and Ways of its Realization. - Tbilisi: Metsniereba - 1997 - 272 p. - Bibl. 102 - in Russian.

The monograph consists of an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion.

The introduction examines the urgency of the subject of the research, its methodological and theoretical principles, as well as the scientific novelty of the work.

In the first chapter - "Category of freedom: history, up-to-dateness and problems" - the author, proceeding from the many-sided essence of the mentioned problem, considers it on the basis of fundamental works, dedicated to this problem.

Researching the phenomenon of freedom, the author offers the elaborated by her methodology, consisting of free integral approach. The urgency of establishment of the aforesaid methodology by the author was caused by certain discrepancy in definition of Hegel: "The God is a measure", since "measure", according to Hegel, is a completed being, definition of absolute, totality of quantity and quality under domination of quantity. As distinct from Hegel, the author considers that this is the simplified conception of the God, since the measure is the synthesis, limited in quantity and quality and the God is free. Just through the free and harmonic unity of quality and quantity providing for inexhaustible variety of modifying the God becomes non-realizable, thus giving the author an opportunity to determine that "The God is freely modifying synthesis and not a measure".

Proceeding from the aforesaid, the author asserts that the comprehensive analysis of category of freedom requires free integral method.

In the second chapter - "Humane goals under conditions of establishment of freedom and personal-humane society"- the author researches the problem of self-knowledge and self-determination of a person under the transitional stage, when new social-economic and political and spiritual values are developed.

The author asserts that the human acts are governed not only by mind, but by will, subconsciousness and potential abilities of a human being. Out of these abilities the determinative is, according to the author, the innate aspiration towards the preservation of the life that is revealed from the beginning of the life and always accompanies the life, determining the conscious, sub-conscious, pragmatic and other actions of a person.

The author thinks that all problems of the life are directly connected with the upbringing and education of a man and is sure that the integral education provides with the possibility to freely and widely think. All historic values, creation and effective functioning of mew synthetic kinds and genres of the art, closely related specialities, the urgency of which is proceeded from the life itself vivid demonstrate it.

The author points out the paradoxicality that the moral, legal, religious and other prohibitions, under the humane government serve to the creation of conditions of free existence and actions of an individual and the society as a whole.

In the sphere of policy the analysis of category "freedom" has led the author to the elaboration of conception "Personality-Human Society" the humane and strong persons of which will be able to create truly free system capable to uphold social and national interests ennobled up to the level of interests common to all mankind.

In the third chapter - "Freedom and ways of its realization" - the author considers the category of "freedom" in the perceptible-estimation activity of a person, the best expression of which is esthetics and sphere of its comprehension - the art.

The author considers the category of "freedom" in the sphere of art, since there is no freedom without creative activity and there is no creative activity without freedom, and the creative activity in its best form is expressed in the art. The advantages of the art, expressed in influence upon the human psychology, are interpreted by the author as a powerful instrument for expansion of boarders of a person's freedom.

Laying down the methods of achievement and realization of freedom, the author represents a human being as a totality of divine and human aspects, trying to fill him with the belief in his own possibilities in order to create all conditions for the progress, for creation of just state, true freedom, vast humanism, strong individuals and mighty society.

The end covers the conclusions of scientific researches and offers of the author.

