
N. Siradze

The Role of the Latin Language Teaching in the Intellectual Development of the Medical High School Students

The foreign language teaching at the high school has not only the communicative aspect but also developes thinking activity as well. This conception is particularly actual according to the Latin language, as it exists only in written sources and is not a means of communication. Howerer, harmonious grammatical structure and system of Latin promote the development of logical thinking.

At the medical high schools Latin is taught during the first year, i. e. at the age, which in modern psychology is called “the students age”. The development of intellect in this period proceeds from the initial dualism to the critical thinking. Latin plays an important role in the intellectual development of the medical students of this age, as it promotes metalinguistic ability, helps them to comprehend deliberately not only the structure of Latin but the structures of the before studied foreign languages too, develops their creative habit and gives them an opportunity to use the knowledge, gained at the Latin lessons, in the mastering of other disciplines and professional terminology.


Tbilisi State Medical University
