
J. Janashia

Narcotics in Caucasian Geopolitic Area

The end of the Cold War, extinguishing contradiction between East and West, non-intensive reorganization of crinminal justice in the post-communist countries (space), formation of the free trade zones and global financial-trading systems distinctively change these social conditions where the criminal organizations were functioning and this changing of social conditions assist the formation of criminal organizations into transnational criminal organizations (TCO). This provoked sharp increase of illegal turnover of narcotics and the expansion of its market.

For a long time organized crime and one of its manifestation narcobusiness was considered as a problem of only one country because of this we get less effective outcomes.

On the other hand the international practice of fighting against natrcotics shows us that this is not a problem of only one country and it creates a new task for legislative and executive authorities in the whole world. For solving of this problem a necessary is following:

- Systematic and more careful exchange of information between the states;

- Formation of a new strategy of relationship between executive authorities of states, based on more intensive exchanging of personnel and information;

- Such universalization of the legislative system that makes possible a remarkable faciliation of fighting against Transnational Criminal Organization (TCO);

- Structural, organizational and methodical improvement of services that fight against narcobusiness adequately with the current dinamic processes existing in the illegal sphere;

- Srtict separation of functions of special sercvices fighting against illegal rotation of narcotics with their competence and combined, harmonious working limits (processes);

- Law inforcement system of Georgia must take active participation in universal and regional programmes concerning fighting illegal turnover of narcotics and on the basis of this experience we must begin to work out such kind of programmes for Black Sea countries too;

- Also we must think to work out of such kind of programmes for Caucasus too because the working out of such long-term operative programmes which makes possible to realize national programmes of dependent states stands on the agenda;

International lawenforcement structures fighting against narcotics must be formed (structured) with the unity of such specialists who will fight for these purposes despite the problem of languages, destination of political ideas, existance of corruption and the constant deficiancy of capital, it is necessary continual and objective working forward against this problem.

Today it is not doubtful that none of the states can prevent and subordinate to its controll the expended usage, production and transportation of narcotics, only within the limits of its own lawenforcement system and jurisdiction. The following task – to operate with the united system and with the suitable legislative acts stands before the special services fighting against narcotics.

Our duty is to prevent existing narcocrisis, to put in force antinarcotics campain and to show to the whole world that for the better future only harmonious relationship between states makes possible to realize our purposes. The base for the fight against the narcotics exists and our duty is to put it in force.


