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Новости дня

Тифлис, 1918-1920

Total 384 issuesYears - Issues

1918:32-39, 42-81, 83-111, 113, 115-137, 139
1919:190-193, 195-198, 200, 202-207, 209-210, 213, 215, 221-223, 225-230, 233-240, 243-245, 247-248, 250-278, 280-286, 288-341, 343-384, 386, 389-411
1920:437-438, 440-452, 454, 456-459, 462, 466-467, 469, 471, 474-475, 478, 482, 484, 486, 488-492, 494-495, 510, 516-524, 526-539, 542-556, 562, 583, 585, 591, 598, 616, 632, 678
Notes: Shows only those years, of which the two or more issues are already in the library, and between the issues are gaps.