Canadian reinette

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Canadian reinette

Canadian reinette is known in Georgia for a long time, in old plantations rating up to 35-50% of the foreign sorts. Commercially it has beeb and presently cultivated in Carthli. In other districts, in Kakhetia, western Georgia, Akhaltzikhe and Borjomi it has the importance of an amateur sort, Canadian reinette succeeds well enough nearly everywhere in Georgia, but especially well in Kakhetia and in the highland, for instance at Gombori, Khudo-Kedi,in Adjaria, Svanetia etc.In western Georgia its mutant form, Gray Canadian reinette, is common, which grows well under conditions of high humidity of the air,without suffering from scab.

Canadian reinette is a great favorite with the population of Georgia.

The fruit is very large or of medium size; colour greenish, covered with brown dots, and if grown in an open location, blushed on the sunny side, the skin at full maturity acquiring a straw-yellow colour.

Flower of Canadian reinette

Flesh often mealy, swelling when fruits are picked late or the enviroument is excessively humid.

Canadian reinette economically is selfsteril, Champagne reinette and Bellefleur being its best pollinators.

For some districts Canadian reinette is allowed at the rate of 3-5% in the commercial assortment.

The cultivation of this sort on dwarf stocks is unprofitable.

The open top and easy dropping of fruit buds make sort in the Georgian environment poorly productive or even unproductive. Its fruits set mostly by ones.

Gray Canadian reinette, a mutant form of Canadian reinette, is grown commercially only in Western Georgia, white in other districts its single specimens can be found.

Keeping qualities of the first are higher than those of the latter.


საქართველოს კულტურული ფლორის ატლასი = Атлас культурной флоры Грузии = Atlas for the cultivated Flora of Georgia / ნ. ხომეზურიშვილი და ელ. ერისთავი ; საქართველოს სსრ მიწსახკომი. ლ.პ. ბერიას სახელ. სას.-სამ. ინსტიტუტი. - თბილისი : ტექნიკა და შრომა, 1939-1951. - 30 სმ[MFN: 51572] თემატიკა: - საქართველოს კულტურული ფლორის ატლასები; ტ. 2 : საქართველოს სამრეწველო ხილის ჯიშები = Промышленные сорта плодов Грузии = Varietes of commercial Georgian Fruits. - 1941. - 217, LIV გვ. : ილ., 71 ჩართ. ფურც. ფერ. ილ.. - დამატებითი თავფურცელი რუსულ, ინგლისურ ენებზე. - ტექსტი ქართულ, რუსულ, ინგლისურ ენებზე. - 73მ., ყდა 7მ., 2500ც.[MFN: 52879] UDC: 634.1/7:631.526.32 თემატიკა: - ხილის ჯიშები საქართველოში;

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