Cassel reinette

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Cassel reinette

Cassel reinette is rather widely distributed in Georgia? especially in high Karthalinia and South Ossetia. In the lover part of Karthalinia it is met less frequently. In Akhaltzikh there are some trees of Cassel reinette but here it has gained no commercial importance. The old trees in old orchards testily to the remote antiquity of this sort in Georgia, regardless of what in new plantations it is not admitted, its place in the commercial assortment being given to Cox’s orange reinette.

The fruits are large, sometimes of medium size, oval-rounded, seldom symmetrical; set in clusters by 3 or 5, under unfavorable conditions of environment and nourishment heavy setting impairs the size of fruits, they are not much damaged by scab and Laspeyresia pomonela but drop easily, especially in dry regions.

The fruits ripen at the end of September; keep well till spring; during storage neither swell nor shrivel.

In appearance the fruit is not very attractive; the superficy is often covered with russet and a korky tissue; at full maturity the acquires a greenish yellow colour, covered with red stripes.

Flesh straw-yellow in colour, firm, when fully ripe becoming rather friable, juicy, aromatic, pleasant in flavour, refreshingly acid. The peculiarriies of Cassel reinette are: early bearing, regular and heavy productivity, late time of blooming, selfsteril flowers, with Winter gold Parmain and Champagne reinette as good pollinators.

Cassel reinette is a good amateur sort and under favorable conditions of environment and agricultural engineering, a good commercial sort as well.


საქართველოს კულტურული ფლორის ატლასი = Атлас культурной флоры Грузии = Atlas for the cultivated Flora of Georgia / ნ. ხომეზურიშვილი და ელ. ერისთავი ; საქართველოს სსრ მიწსახკომი. ლ.პ. ბერიას სახელ. სას.-სამ. ინსტიტუტი. - თბილისი : ტექნიკა და შრომა, 1939-1951. - 30 სმ[MFN: 51572] თემატიკა: - საქართველოს კულტურული ფლორის ატლასები; ტ. 2 : საქართველოს სამრეწველო ხილის ჯიშები = Промышленные сорта плодов Грузии = Varietes of commercial Georgian Fruits. - 1941. - 217, LIV გვ. : ილ., 71 ჩართ. ფურც. ფერ. ილ.. - დამატებითი თავფურცელი რუსულ, ინგლისურ ენებზე. - ტექსტი ქართულ, რუსულ, ინგლისურ ენებზე. - 73მ., ყდა 7მ., 2500ც.[MFN: 52879] UDC: 634.1/7:631.526.32 თემატიკა: - ხილის ჯიშები საქართველოში;

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