Contents N 2


Philosophical Investigations.  2003 - N 7

Bechvaia D.  Actual Issues of Social Consciousness

Bechvaia D., Gvineria E.  Philosophical Basis for Modern Pedagogical Sciences

Mamulashvili B.  Ethics as Science about Moral

Kachmazashvili N.  The Attempts of Foundation of Metaphysics in the 20th Century (A. Whitehead) || Traditional Understanding of Metaphysics (From Aristotle to Kant) || The Problem of Metaphysics in Logical Positivism (L. Wittgenstein, R. Carnap)

Gordeziani R.  Ways of Human Philosophical-Anthropologic Search in K. Jaspers' Existence Philosophy || K. Jaspers and Oriental Philosophy (Dzen- Buddhism) || Comprehension of Communication in K. Jaspers Philosophy || Im. Kant and the Method of Transcendent in German Existentialism || M. Heidegger as a Researcher of Human Spirit || M. Heidegger and M. Buber in Search of Being (Seyn) || Essays on History of Philosophy || The Philosophy of Old Orient ( India, China) || Existential Dzen-Buddhism of D.T. Suzuki || Ways of Human's Self Cognition and Self Perfect in Esoterism (Yoga, Buddhism, and Dzen-Buddhism) || Existentialism and Choosing of Oneself (S. Kierkegaard) || Philosophical-Anthropologic Investigations in German Existentialism and Oriental Philosophy (Dzen-Buddhism, Yoga)

Nibladze V.  Concept "Langoisse" in Jean-Paul Sartre's Philosophy (Critique of Sartrian Conception of Freedom) || The Function of the Ontological in the Structure of Personality and the Specificity of the Subject of Philosophy at the Modern Stage. The Problem of Personality || Moral Argumentation of Metaphysics by Kant || Ontology and World View || Albert Camus on the Role of Philosophy in the Life of Man of Absurd || Kant's Argumentation of Real Existence Independent of Knowing Being Per Se or "Things Per Se" (According to "Critique of Pure Reason" || Being and Time in A. Camus's World View || Traditional Problem of Substance (M. Heidegger, Sh. Nutsubidze) || "More than the Being" and the Subject of "First Philosophy" || What is Existence - Thing, Quality or Relation?

Matsne. Proceeding of the Georgian Academy of Sciences. Series in Philosophy.  2002, N 1 || 2002, N 2

Religion.  2003, N 1-2-3 || 2003, N 4-5-6 || 2003, N 7-8-9 || 2003, N 10-11-12


Asatiani M.  Human Resources Management in Public Service

Ethnicity and nationalism.  Proceedings of Inter-Institute Seminar at the Georgian Academy of Sciences

Berdzenishvili A.  Political Sociology


Benidze V.  Criminal Procedure (Assisting Practical Personnel)

Moniava P.  Distinguishing Quality of the Low Production, Honour and Respect Defence in Samegrelo Principality in 1801-1867 Years


Shubitidze V.  Noe Zhordania - the Political Scientist and the Sovietologist || Continuation of Struggle Between Fathers and Sons (Ilya Chavchavadze and Noe Zhordania) || Noe Zhordania and George Kvinitadze on the Reasons of Tragedy of February 25, 1921 || Noe Zhordania on the Russia-Georgian Relations

Janjgava N.  The Principles of the Insurgencies and Guerrilla Warfare || The Evolution of the Military Thought and Combat Plans in Europe Before the First World War || The US Army Special Operations Forces Combat Experience During the Second World War

Gogolidze I.  The Final Connection of the Batumi Region to Georgia || Adjara Problem and Georgia After the Brest Treaty (1918)


Chkhenkeli M.  Mutual Enrichment of the Russian and Georgian National Art Schools Under the Direct Influence of the French Art Culture (Second Half of the 19th - Beginning of the 20th C.C.)

Beridze Ts.  Vladimer (Lado) Aghniashvili. Bio-Bibliography.

Bakhtadze N.  At the Beginning of the Georgian Monasticism || Some Aspects of the Archaeological Study of Pirgebuli Monastery || Newly Discovered Rock-Cut Monuments of Shida Kartli. - Dzeglis Megobari

Gogashvili D.  From the History of Ink (According to Old Georgian Manuscripts) || The Way of Processing Parchment || Ways of Receiving of Red Ink - Cinnabar

Jajanidze G.  The Problem of Moral Hero in Creativity of G. Lortkipanidze


Margiani Th.  The Georgian Translation of  "Eulogy to Gregory the Theologian" by Sophron of Jerusalem || The Peculiarities of the Translation of Gregory Presbyter's "Life of Gregory Nazianzen" by Euthymius the Athonite || The Georgian Translation of Gregory Presbyter's "Life of Gregory Nazianzen" by Ephrem Mtsire in Ancient Georgian Manuscripts


Psychological research.  2003, N 1

Information Technologies

Chkhenkeli N.  How the Internet Conquered the World || Chkhenkeli N., Chkhenkeli T. Internet: Information Search in the World Wide Web || Chkhenkeli N. Reference Services in Modern Conditions || Reference Services in Modern Environment || Internet in Georgian Libraries

Multidisciplinary Journals

Epoch.  2001, N 1 || 2002, N 2 || 2003, N 3

Caucasian Messenger.  2001, N 3 || 2002, N 4 || 2002, N 5